Jazz Lab Band

This course focuses on the style and technical performance of Jazz music. Emphasis is placed on jazz combo selections, improvisational techniques incorporated within this style, and jazz theory.

Students are required to participate in all activities including after-school, evening and weekend rehearsals and performances.

Open to: Grades 8-12 Term: 2 sem
Credit: 1 unit (Non-Academic Credit)

Prerequisite: Teacher Approval

Pay to Particpate: Purchase of materials (not to exceed $30) is also required.

Performance Attire: all black: dress shirt, slacks, and sport jacket for men, and dress slacks/skirt, blouse and shoes for women.
US News - America's Best High Schools - Ranked 65th in USA and awarded Gold Medal status.
Newsweek - America's Best High Schools 2010 - Walnut Hills Ranked 66th in USA and #1 in Ohio!