Beginning Band

Beginning Band provides an introduction to the basic skills of playing a wind or percussion instrument. Emphasis is placed on the individual student’s ability to produce a good tone, demonstrate basic technical command of the instrument, and develop skills in reading music.

Students will be required to attend one evening concert.

Private instruction is encouraged.

Open to: Grades 7, 8, 9 Term: 1 sem
Credit: 0.5 unit (Non-Academic Credit)

Prerequisite: None

Pay to Particpate: A $10 (max) for purchase of a method book; instrument rental from local music stores ranges from $25 - $55 depending on instrument

Performance Attire: white shirt or blouse and black slacks or skirt with black dress shoes
US News - America's Best High Schools - Ranked 65th in USA and awarded Gold Medal status.
Newsweek - America's Best High Schools 2010 - Walnut Hills Ranked 66th in USA and #1 in Ohio!