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Fri, Mar 14, 2025
Fri, Mar 14, 2025
EDL 204
Fri, Mar 14, 2025
Ping Pong Club
Mon, Mar 17, 2025
Counseling Dept Data Day
Mon, Mar 17, 2025


On-Campus Volunteer Opportunities

If you are available or want more information

National History Day Volunteers – Wednesday, March 12th

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Our 8th graders are working on projects to enter the National History Day Competition. Several of our teachers are looking for alumni volunteers to visit classes and offer their feedback on the student’s presentations to hone their skills before the Regional Competition on March 15th.

Times needed:
Bell 1 – 8:00-8:50 am 12 volunteers
Bell 2 – 8:55=9:50 am 6 volunteers
Bell 6 – 1:15-2:05 pm 6 volunteers
Bell 7 -2:10-3:00 pm 6 volunteers

Last year was our first year using alumni volunteers and the students definitely felt more
prepared for the Regional Competition. One group moved on to the national completion and

Spring Ethics Bowl
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Our students are involved in a relatively new club (3 years old) which is supported by the National High School Ethics Bowl which is rooted in ongoing dialogue and deliberation: a series of two-way exchanges between equals.  It is designed to get students thinking, talking, and ultimately working together on some of the toughest moral issues of our time.  Our first year UC hosted the regional competition and the WHHS team won first place!

In addition to the club, our faculty member came up with the idea of scheduling a mini
bowl to encourage students to learn more about the program and get involved.  
They are looking for some judges and I thought this is something you might be
interested in if you were in town and available.  Not a huge time commitment...

The dates are:  
Monday, April 21st and Tuesday April 22nd -10:15am-12:45 pm (need 8 volunteers per day

Thursday-April 24 th and Friday April 25 th -12:30-3:00pm (need 8 volunteers per day) 

Alumni who have helped out have been amazed at the complexity of the subjects and
the real-world scenarios the students were asked to weigh in on. As an alumni you have 
the skill sets you need to help out - smart, thoughtful..etc.  The teacher will of course
reach out and give you more instructions so not to worry.

Thanks for considering...and just let me know. If you know of others you think might be
interested feel free to invite just let me know.

Please email your interest to: debbieheldman@gmail.com 

US News - America's Best High Schools - Ranked 65th in USA and awarded Gold Medal status.
Newsweek - America's Best High Schools 2010 - Walnut Hills Ranked 66th in USA and #1 in Ohio!