Updated Yondr Policy
Updated Yondr Policy
There has been an update to the cell phone policy to bring it more in line with what is currently taking place across the district. Please find the updated information below.
Cell phone policy:
1st offense confiscation of cell phone for the remainder of the day and parent pickup
2nd offense ALC and confiscation for the remainder of the day, and parent pickupIf a student lies about having a phone, they will receive the appropriate consequence as stated above, in addition to a Friday School for False Identification/dishonesty.
Students who arrive to school without a Yondr pouch will turn in their cell phone to the main office upon entering the building. After the third time of not having their pouch, the cell phone will be held until a parent is able to pick it up, or they purchase a new Yondr pouch.
The administration will continue to conduct Yondr classroom checks during the week.