Student Parking Permit Registration for 2024-2025 is Now Available!
Please read the information below prior to completing the registration form
Students driving to school must apply for a parking permit (this is a Senior/Junior privilege followed by Sophomores on October 1st, if available). Cost of permit is $30.00 for the year. The cost will be reduced to $15.00 at the beginning of second semester. Passes will be available for pick-up from Ms. Daniels, in the Main Office, during 4th bell lunch or after school.
2) Lot C, off Gilbert Ave.
3) Lot D, lower portion & Gravel Lot (Not In Grass)
4) Lot E, south of Jr. High Gym
Students parking on campus must follow all rules and regulations:
1) I will observe the speed limit of the school (15 mph).
2) I will park in designated student parking areas only (see above list).
3) I will not leave school grounds or enter my car without permission.
4) I will abide by all law enforcement street signs (no parking, fire hydrant, etc.).
5) I may lose the privilege to park on campus based upon attendance or discipline issues.
Failure to follow the guidelines could result in the students’ car being booted, suspension from the parking lot or suspension from school (repeated offenses).
The WHHS parking permit must be adhered to the FRONT windshield.
School officials have the right to examine the contents and/or search a vehicle parked on school premises when there is reasonable belief that items contained in the vehicle may interfere with the safe and orderly operation of the school or may be in violation of Board of Education policy, administrative regulation or school rule.
All cars should be locked after arriving and students should go to the building and not remain in the lot. Students park at their own risk and are advised not to leave anything of value in their cars. Walnut Hills High School and Cincinnati Public School District assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss or theft of any automobile or any part thereof; or for any article left therein; or for any damage which may be caused thereto by fire, trespasses, collision, etc.
Registrations available (Here).