
Walnut Hills High School Athletic Event

Directions to Walnut Hills

Walnut Hills High School is located at 3250 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45207. This is a great mailing address, but not a great GPS address for getting to Walnut Hills Athletic Venues. Some of our athletic venues are on-campus and some are off-campus. Find your sport, location, and GPS address listed below.

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On-Campus Walnut Hills Athletic Venues


Junior High (JH) Gym:

GPS: 1501 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45207
Sports that use this venue:
  • JH Volleyball
  • JH Basketball
  • JH & HS Wrestling
  • Some Tournaments (JH & HS)

High School (HS) Gym/Natatorium:

GPS: 1515 Jonathan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45207
Sports that use this venue:
  • HS Volleyball
  • HS Basketball
  • JH & HS Wrestling
  • Some Tournaments (JH & HS)


GPS: 1515 Jonathan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45207
Sports that use this venue:
  • JH & HS Swimming

Tennis Courts:

GPS: 1515 Jonathan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45207
Sports that use this venue:
  • JH & HS Tennis

Marx Stadium:

GPS: 3300 Sulsar Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45207
Sports that use this venue:
  • HS Soccer
  • HS Football
  • JH & HS Boys Lacrosse
  • JH & HS Track & Field

Christopher South Athletic Complex:

GPS: 3183 Gilbert Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45207
Sports that use this venue:
  • JH Soccer
  • JH Football
  • HS & JH Girls Lacrosse

Off-Campus Walnut Hills Athletic Venues



GPS: 2026 E Seymour Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45207
Sports that use this venue:
  • JV & V Baseball

Owl's Nest

GPS: 1999 Fairfax Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45207
Sports that use this venue:
  • JV & V Softball


GPS: 3059 Woodburn Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45207
Sports that use this venue:
  • 7th & 8th Grade Baseball


GPS: 2335 Riverside Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45207
Sports that use this venue:
  • Freshman Baseball

Evanston Park

GPS: 3661 Realistic Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45207
Sports that use this venue:
  • JH Softball

General Directions to Walnut Hills Campus


Driving North:

Directions: Take 1-71 North to Exit 5 (Dana Avenue), the exit ramp terminates at Duck Creek Road. Turn right onto Duck Creek Road and follow it until it terminates at Montgomery Road. Turn left onto Montgomery Road, then turn right at the first traffic light onto Blair Avenue. Blair Avenue stops at the school campus. Parking is located to the right as you enter the campus.

Driving South:

Directions: Take 1-71 South to Exit 5 (Dana Avenue) and turn left at the top of the ramp, crossing back over the interstate — stay in the right lane. At the first light (immediately across the interstate) turn right onto Duck Creek Road. Stay on Duck Creek Road until it terminates at Montgomery Road. Turn left onto Montgomery Road, then turn right at first traffic light onto Blair Avenue. Blair Avenue stops at the school campus. Parking is located to the right as you enter the campus.

Driving East:

Directions: Take Martin Luther King Drive. Turn North (left) onto Gilbert Avenue. Turn left onto Victory Parkway. Turn right onto Jonathan Avenue. Turn right onto Fernside. Turn right onto Blair Avenue. Blair Avenue stops at the school campus. Parking is located to the right as you enter the campus.

Driving West:

Directions: Take Madison Avenue. Turn right onto Victory Parkway. Turn right onto Jonathan Avenue. Turn right onto Fernside. Turn right onto Blair Avenue. Blair Avenue stops at the school campus. Parking is located to the right as you enter the campus.
US News - America's Best High Schools - Ranked 65th in USA and awarded Gold Medal status.
Newsweek - America's Best High Schools 2010 - Walnut Hills Ranked 66th in USA and #1 in Ohio!